Hiren Maradia  -  08/09/2020

Within 7 to 8 days seeds germinated with around 80% success rate. Once it germinated it depends upon soil and feed that you are providing. And, keep up-potting to bigger pot and neem oil spray to kill bugging pests.

Moses  -  01/08/2020

I did not count seeds but they where more than 30. Germination was fine for me

somu rajan  -  19/05/2020

Seeds were very good viable ones. Right now I can’t say if the product is correct or wrong since it’s still a sapling.

harish  -  14/04/2020

Good quality more amount of seeds, germinated well in humid climate. now jalepanos are growing Its more spicy . Value for money.

Venkat Velagapudi  -  14/12/2019

90% of the seeds germinated using paper towel technique. Keep the seeds on a moist paper towel in a dark place. Seeds will start germinating in 4-5 days.